From loans to guarantees, to mezzanine transactions, to IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) – there are as many ways to secure financing for projects and endeavours in need of cash as there are opportunities for investors looking to increase their return. Choosing a suitable model invariably requires a 360° analysis of all relevant circumstances, with legal and regulatory issues only constituting one – albeit important – aspect. Putting one’s choice in place, carrying out a due diligence, and enforcing the deal once closed, is a matter for experienced counsel who routinely handle financial transactions as well as post-transactional integration and disputes matters.

BODENHEIMER Representative Matters as Parties’ Counsel

Advised a Turkish investor on a mezzanine investment worth some EUR 15m in relation to a high-profile construction project in Berlin

Advised a French start-up company on the regulatory environment for an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in Germany in the range of EUR 1.5m

Advised the German subsidiary of a multinational media company on regulatory requirements for intra-group loans in the two-digit million Euro range

Advised an Austrian investor on claims worth some USD 40m against a major German bank arising out of the purchase of debt securities issued by a U.S. defense contractor